Thursday, March 14, 2013

Under the Weather in Your Step-Family?

Have you been feeling a little under the weather? Allergies or colds kicking in? If you're like me, when not feeling well you'll head over to the doctor's office.  You will report your symptoms to this professional so you can get the necessary medicine to begin to recover. Illnesses have a variety of symptoms and there are specific medicines for any and all of them. Knowing the right ones to take that will work can be a tough call.
People in a second marriage may be seeing some symptoms that this blended family is not doing so well.  You may realize the health of your step- family needs some kind of intervention. Some of your symptoms could be: conflict with one of your stepchildren, tension between you and your spouse over discipline issues,  painful adjustments a child is having l living with new siblings. If these are your symptoms, please don't get so overwhelmed that you decide to just give up. Second marriages have a higher divorce rate than first marriages and one of the reasons is because of problems over managing the children. It is difficult to join two already-formed families together. Please have confidence in this: there is hope for your family. If you commit to working on strengthening your marriage, you can find solutions that will work.
Seek those solutions through the help of a professional family counselor. Just as you make that doctor's appointment to find the appropriate meds when you are not physically well, go to a professional to find out why your family isn't healthy right now. Then, you can get the solutions to making all of you feel much better. And remember, the Great Physician is always just a prayer away.