Friday, July 6, 2012

Singing and Sharing

Mom, building your child’s faith can be one of the most rewarding experiences you will ever have.   Today may be a good day to think seriously about your job as your child's spiritual teacher. I know you may worry about teaching your child important Bible knowledge or sharing God's plan of salvation. But long before those deeper theological discussions will be needed there are simple, teachable truths of God that all believing parents can have with the smallest child. Just start by playing Bible songs in your car with praise music especially made for little ones. As you sing the words and the music together, you’ll be sharing a love of praise for God. How about selecting a very simple Bible storybook - appropriate for your child's age - to read at bedtime? You'll develop a routine of sharing stories about God and Bible heroes that will bond you to your little one as you both grow in your knowledge of God. And then, notice nature's wonder around you. Talk about God who created all the wonderful clouds, flowers, birds, and trees. No Bible Scholar needed here: just share the precious message of God's love.

Take Action: Whose job is it to teach your child about God? Whose job is it to train your children to love God? Share a story from God’s Word with your child today.

Wisdom from the Word:  “Start children off on the way they should go, 
 and even when they are old they will not turn from it. “ Proverbs 22: 6

From  Heart of a Family For Mom: Common Sense Parenting with Wisdom from the Word by Joneal Kirby