Monday, January 23, 2012

Home Training

Your children need you for many things as you raise and ready them to launch into their adult lives. Giving them correction and discipline is one of a parent’s responsibilities. There are good and effective ways to discipline children. God’s Word has some things to say about this part of parenting. Colossians 3:21 teaches that fathers should not discourage, or “embitter” (NIV) their children. The Message says it this way: “Parents, don’t come down too hard on your children or you’ll crush their spirits.” The New Living Version says “Do not be so hard on your children that they will give up trying to do what is right.” It’s a difficult balance to correct and discipline children and still maintain a relationship that encourages them. There are two vital keys to maintaining this balance. 1) Let your child know what your expectations are. Be very clear about the boundaries of acceptable behavior. 2) Give fair and consistent consequences when those boundaries are crossed.
There are excellent parenting books at your Christian book store. Some may be available in your church’s library. The Christian parenting experts in these resources will give you suggestions about consequences. Remember to deliver all discipline with firmness but with caring kindness.  This environment will give your child a loving, secure home base that they can one day, leave with confidence, knowing all that you have taught them.

Take Action: Write down a specific behavior you would like your child to do or change. Think and pray about how you will teach the appropriate behavior and what consequences will be the result of their misbehavior. Approach your discipline plan with firmness as well as care and love.

Wisdom from the Word:  “Parents, don’t come down too hard on your children or you’ll crush their spirits.”