Thursday, June 30, 2011

Peaches and Cream

Summer day.
Swaying in a swinging hammock.
Sun hot on your arms.
Slamming back door.
Whirring of the ice cream freezer.
First taste. Like gold.
Peaches swirling in the cream.
So cold your teeth ache.
So sweet. Next spoonful is the best.
Life is precious. Like gold. So good.

A summer day and peaches and ice cream.
Blessed. So blessed.

Thursday, June 9, 2011


Sometimes you just got to do something that will make you smile.
This pic of my grandson always brings crinkles to the sides of my eyes, widens my lips, brings a giggle up my throat. Something about a  baby. Something about THIS baby that just makes me feel good about life. Good about family. Good about all the blessings God has immeasurably poured out on me.

Something about this grandbaby of mine creates a huge urge in me to be a better woman. I want to be more patient, more loving, more unselfish. This 28-pounder of bubblicious chubby arms and legs inspires me to grow my faith. To be more God's servant.
How is that possible?
It probably has to do with the fact that as party of the leading generation in his life, I am awed with that responsibility. His granddad and I won't take lightly that leading lives of faith well-defined allows a path for Beau to follow to be clear. And we hope inspiring and influential. Loving God. Loving others. Leading by faith. Leading by example.
That "Howdy Partner" look of his just does me in.
And that's a really really good thing.