Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Faith in Your Family - Praying Parents

The blonde curls bobbed with each bounce of his tiny head. He was praying hard. A simple, sweet, genuine prayer. Hearing his earnest conversation, I thought, how tender it is to hear a little child pray! It’s a reminder to us how sweet and sincere prayer can be. As simple as a child’s prayer may be, we shouldn’t underestimate a little one’s faith. Jesus certainly didn't underestimate the faith of children. In fact, in Mark 10, Jesus instructed his disciples to allow little children to come see Him and said that "The Kingdom of God belongs to them."  Perhaps children's tender hearts are touched deeply by prayers. And in their naïve trusting way, they may understand a more innocent faith. As parents, praying for our child accesses a vital spiritual tool.  Never, ever underestimate the power that you have in leading your child into a relationship with Jesus.  Mom, you can do that by praying for and with your children. Kneel with them beside their bed as they prepare to sleep. Ask for God's blessing on his life. You can also send them off to school in the morning with a family prayer time. And just remember this: God loves your child - even more than you.

Take Action: Pray for your children all during the day, specifically asking God to intercede in their lives, whether it is to help them do well on a test or to handle a relationship with a friend. 
Wisdom from the Word: 
 "I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you and watch over you.” Psalm 32:8

“I know, 0 LORD, that a man's life is not his own; it is not for man to direct his steps.” Jeremiah 10:23

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

The Heart of Your Family at Home

Who are you – at home?  Really, who do your kids see? The person that YOU want them to see or do they see the real you? Perhaps one of the reasons that it is hard for us to be ourselves with our children is that we are very aware that we are setting the example in behavior and words that our kids are to follow. Family research tells us that children really do learn from the example that their parents give them. Focus on the Family research reported that teenagers said they watched certain movies and television shows because it was what their parents watched. And that can be a good thing - or not. One mom that I know watches hours of the Andy Griffith show with her two kids. They are not crazy about the show -- but they are certainly crazy about their mom. And because she spends so much time with them, they indulge her and watch her favorite show with her. As your child’s parent you have a tremendous influence on what kind of things your family will be entertained by. What music, tv shows, movies you like will influence your children’s choices. If you make good choices, it is much more likely that your kids will too. We show our children how to be wise about what is healthy to watch and listen to when we make wise choices ourselves. Remember YOUR kids are always watching YOU.

Take Action: Sit down with your kids one night and look through the tv guide and decide what shows are best to watch and which ones are good influences. Make a tv-viewing program plan and stick with it.

Wisdom from the Word:

The LORD does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.”                                  I Samuel 6:7

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Heart of Your Family -Your Marriage

How you feeling?
Have you had the flu or a cold lately?  If you are sick, feeling loving towards your husband is sometimes the last thing on your mind. You just don’t feel good. God’s Word speaks in ways that let you know love is so much more than a feeling. You’ve heard it from others though that love isn’t love - if you don’t have that “lovin’ feeling”. But the thing is love is always more about our actions and attitudes than about our feelings. Long-time married folks, who are definitely the wiser among us about long-time love, will say that there were many times in their 30 or 40 or 50-year marriages that they didn’t FEEL like they loved their spouse – but because of the commitment that they had made to each other, they knew that if they behaved and acted as if they did, their relationship would be what it needed to be.  I Corinthians 13, which is known as the love chapter in the Bible, gives many behaviors to describe what love it. Love is kindness, patience and hopeful  are a few descriptive. Maybe if things aren’t going so well in your relationship you will practice kindness or  patience. There is hope and definitely more joy in a marriage when the virtues of love are practiced. It’s because doing these things makes your marriage healthier – and holier.  Work on your attitude- and even if you don’t feel like it - act loving. And experience why God tell us that love – well, here I’ll just let Him tell you:   “And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.” I Corinthians 13:13

Take Action: Start today with a kinder word for your husband and end your day with a kind word for him also. Practice that small virtue to have a more loving marriage

Wisdom from the Word:
 “Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails.” I Corinthians 13:4-8

Monday, September 12, 2011

Blessing Your Marriage

"Marriage should be honored by all." Hebrews 13:4

Does your marriage matter? Matter to who? Well, does your marriage matter to your friends? To your church family? Does your marriage matter to your parents? What about – does your marriage matter to your children? And most importantly, does your marriage matter to you? When things or people or anything matters to us, we tend to behave in ways that prove that is so.  If you were to list on a scale of 1-5, your top priorities in your life, where would your marriage be on that list?  Do you do things regularly that bless your marriage- grow your relationship – improve the health of your marriage?  Today, what could you say to your husband that will let him know that he is loved by you?  Can you show energy and attention to them?  Your  marriage matters to God even more than it matters to you! He is the creator of marriage and He says that marriage is good for you. It is good for the family of God and it is good for your children.
How do you show God that your marriage matters?

Take Action: Begin today to pray for husband. Ask God’s blessing on his safety, for protection over his job, for his spiritual walk.
Wisdom from the Word:
“Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good. Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves. Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord. Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.” Romans 12:9-12

Friday, July 22, 2011

Faith in Your Family

Psalm 150:1-6“….Let everything that lives sing praises to the Lord”

I guarantee that your day is so busy it could spin out of control very fast. And before you know it, you are to the end of it!  Before you even realize it, there will be little if any time to focus even a few moments on God. Everyday life is so super-scheduled and cram-packed with so many demands, that the day's activities of work, school, children, and family activities will crowd out even the best intentions. And for most of us, we do intend to create special moments with our kids to focus on God. The best place to do that is NOT in just especially focused events, but -- in the EVERYDAY natural moments of our lives. What a great place to make your child aware and in awe of God's power and presence! The chill of winter, the beginning of spring, the warm slip into summer and the feeling of fall are all natural times to focus your child's attention on God's plan for the change of seasons. Conversations can focus on "Who makes the flowers to grow after winter? Who blesses us with warm sunshine and makes the green grass and trees?" These simple, yet meaningful conversations put our focus back on the God of our Creation. It's simple. And teachable.  

Faith in Action: Have you read your Bible today? Did you begin your day with prayer? Spend some time with your child today praising God. 

Psalm 150:1-6 “….Let everything that lives sing praises to the Lord”

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Peaches and Cream

Summer day.
Swaying in a swinging hammock.
Sun hot on your arms.
Slamming back door.
Whirring of the ice cream freezer.
First taste. Like gold.
Peaches swirling in the cream.
So cold your teeth ache.
So sweet. Next spoonful is the best.
Life is precious. Like gold. So good.

A summer day and peaches and ice cream.
Blessed. So blessed.

Thursday, June 9, 2011


Sometimes you just got to do something that will make you smile.
This pic of my grandson always brings crinkles to the sides of my eyes, widens my lips, brings a giggle up my throat. Something about a  baby. Something about THIS baby that just makes me feel good about life. Good about family. Good about all the blessings God has immeasurably poured out on me.

Something about this grandbaby of mine creates a huge urge in me to be a better woman. I want to be more patient, more loving, more unselfish. This 28-pounder of bubblicious chubby arms and legs inspires me to grow my faith. To be more God's servant.
How is that possible?
It probably has to do with the fact that as party of the leading generation in his life, I am awed with that responsibility. His granddad and I won't take lightly that leading lives of faith well-defined allows a path for Beau to follow to be clear. And we hope inspiring and influential. Loving God. Loving others. Leading by faith. Leading by example.
That "Howdy Partner" look of his just does me in.
And that's a really really good thing.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

You are TOO Much!

That's right. That's what I said. YOU are just way too much!
I have been overblessed by your response to Heart of a Family for Mom.
Thanks for your caring comments, your sweet sharing, and most of all for
purchasing the book for your moms, your friends - yourself!
I am thankful for you and your friendship.
God is good - all of the time.
He has given me great friends, a lovely, loving family, a wonderful marriage of a lifetime
awesome kids, and an unbelievably beautiful baby grandson.

And now He has given me the beauty of your friendly support for this new project.
You really are TOO much.

But I'll take it. and say THANK YOU!
Love you.

Oh, yeh --- If you want a signed copy of the book, please do not hesitate to ask.
I'll send you one.  click here:

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Heart of a Family, Common Sense Parenting with Wisdom from the Word From Chapter 6 Growing Your Faith, Mom

Growing Your Faith, Mom
At the Heart of it: Created to impart faith
Mom, you hold the next generation of Jesus' church in your arms and on your lap. You know that the job of a mother is never-ending. It's not just the laundry, the cooking, the doctor visits, or the car-pooling. It is a constant responsibility. Your child is totally dependent on you for what they need. 
You also know that in spite of these demands you wouldn’t change it. You still desire to hold your child in your arms. God’s plan for mothers was to be almost nutty in their nurturing; obsessed, almost, with making sure their children will be okay.
Remember yearning for a little toddler to call you “mommy”? You know the joy of watching the surprising and exciting growth of your kids.  God definitely designed women to desire children. He placed within a woman's heart the emotions and the instincts - and the sense of responsibility - to raise a child.
As faithful women of God, we Christian moms take seriously our role as mothers, knowing that God has entrusted us with the opportunity to train and teach the next generation of children.  Your faith; your relationship with God, has a profound impact on the lives of your children. They will live out their faith lives reacting to the way that you lived yours.
Moms are passing the faith from generation to generation- and have been since the beginning of the world. Perhaps the greatest contribution a mother makes is to raise her children in faith, love and holy living.
Take Action: Ask God for His wisdom and guidance in your life so that you will be the wise woman that your child needs to help them with their faith walk.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Heart of a Family for Mom, Common Sense Parenting with Wisdom from the Word

Common Sense Parenting with Wisdom from the Word
Forward from the book.
      This book was written to give you help and hope with the
awesome task of raising healthy, confident, respectful children.
I pray that God will provide you with all that you need
—all the courage, wisdom, strength, and faith to teach and
train your children in the way that He wants them to go.
      As a family therapist and parenting educator, I have spent
thousands of hours with parents like you—moms who are putting
lots of energy, enormous amounts of time and immeasurable
periods of prayer into raising your kids. I don’t know how
you do it, but I can’t imagine you being successful doing this
big job without God’s help!
     Heart of a Family for Mom is written just for you at this
stage of your life. It is full of information to help you with the
important task of building a healthy family. However, my hope
is that the most valuable part of the book will be the inspiring
Words from God which are the focus of each day’s devotional
     I am a mom and a grandmother, and this book was written
from my heart. As a woman who knows first hand the perplexing
problems which spring up daily as you parent toddlers,
tweens and teens, I know that without God’s wisdom and instructions
being routinely funneled into my head, I would have
many more regrets than I do about my parenting decisions and
     I hope that the common sense parenting tips are truly practical
and useful. Use this book as a parenting manual to rely on.
And use this book also as a reference to the many instructions
that our Heavenly Father has given us in His Book.
Joneal Kirby

Click here to find out how to get a copy of Dr. Kirby's new book

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

YOU Can Do Anything!

You have brains in your head.
You have feet in your shoes.
You can steer yourself in any direction you choose.
You’re on your own.
And you know what you know.
You are the guy who’ll decide where to go.

You recognize that beloved - and one of my favorite - Dr. Seuss's poem from the book "Oh the Places You Will Go!"
I like it so much, I think, because I am one of those people who truly believe that there is nothing that I cannot do. If I want to do it bad enough.
That is one of the reasons that I love Philippians 4:13. God says that when when I am a team with Him, there REALLY isn't anything that we can't do.

Today, go make a difference. Be a blessing to someone. Right a wrong.
Or just change the world.

You can do anything.

"I can do all things through Christ, who is my strength." Phil. 4:13


Monday, April 4, 2011

Heart of a Family for Mom

Common Sense Parenting with Wisdom from the Word
Forward from the book.
      This book was written to give you help and hope with the
awesome task of raising healthy, confident, respectful children.
I pray that God will provide you with all that you need
—all the courage, wisdom, strength, and faith to teach and
train your children in the way that He wants them to go.
      As a family therapist and parenting educator, I have spent
thousands of hours with parents like you—moms who are putting
lots of energy, enormous amounts of time and immeasurable
periods of prayer into raising your kids. I don’t know how
you do it, but I can’t imagine you being successful doing this
big job without God’s help!
     Heart of a Family for Mom is written just for you at this
stage of your life. It is full of information to help you with the
important task of building a healthy family. However, my hope
is that the most valuable part of the book will be the inspiring
Words from God which are the focus of each day’s devotional
     I am a mom and a grandmother, and this book was written
from my heart. As a woman who knows first hand the perplexing
problems which spring up daily as you parent toddlers,
tweens and teens, I know that without God’s wisdom and instructions
being routinely funneled into my head, I would have
many more regrets than I do about my parenting decisions and
     I hope that the common sense parenting tips are truly practical
and useful. Use this book as a parenting manual to rely on.
And use this book also as a reference to the many instructions
that our Heavenly Father has given us in His Book.
Joneal Kirby

Click here to find out how to get a copy of Dr. Kirby's new book.